It’s getting close! Over the past weeks, I’ve been unpacking and hanging and sorting and moving an unreal amount of pretties for our first-ever Warehouse Sale coming up this Friday and Saturday. There’s still tons to do to get ready, but I thought I’d share a few teasers. {grin}
If you’re local (or even relatively local), be sure to come, and bring friends! This is a perfect opportunity to stock up on an amazing selection of finery for babies and girls at prices up to 90% off retail! They’ll come in handy for future blessings, baptisms, weddings, portraits…you name it.
The sale runs Friday and Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm (we’ll stay longer if needed). Our warehouse is located at 26 N. 470 W. Blackfoot, Idaho (just off Highway 39). Call (208-785-2521) or email with questions. Gotta run…lots to do to get ready!
(P.S. Congrats to R. Martin, the winner of our Beau-Coup $25 gift certificate!)